ABC Method - Advanced Bach Flower Therapy (ENGLISCH)
Special Online Course by Tony Pinkus, the Chief of Ainsworths - first name in Homeopathy
ABC Method – Advanced Bach Flower Therapy by Tony Pinkus (pharmacist, chief of the pharmacy Ainsworths in London und producer of bach flower remedies since 1997, Dean of the Faculty of Homeopathy, where he teaches and conducts research)
About the ABC method
Easy, new unique and advanced method of practice Bach Flower Therapy
Bach Flower remedies are very powerful healing tools but to really unlock their potential for emotional wellbeing it is necessary to understand how to use them to full effect.
- The Ainsworths ABC method is an advanced, unique technique for prescribing BFR for emotional wellbeing
- It complements the knowledge you have about the individual Bach Flower remedies and takes this further
- Delivered as a single 20 hour weekend course on Zoom and includes guided practical exercises for which you will need your Ainsworths BFR Kit
- Designed to embed the technique deeply in your memory by personal experience gained rapidly through these unique exercises
- The advanced ABC method allows you to greatly simplify and maximise your consultations with patients and vastly improve their outcomes beyond what is possible employing the traditional approach with BFR
- The ABC method is patient-centric and delivers a dynamic, personal message through the essences selected, in the form of a narrative
- The Narrative delivered is unequivocally the most important issue in the patient’s life at that moment and the one they most need to accept, it is presented together with a clear explanation of how it arose.
- This Narrative of cause and effect of the current issue is both delivered and treated by the same remedies which therefore provides the opportunity for the patient to accept their problem whilst empowering them to make life changes for their benefit
- The Ainsworths BFR remedies are specially prepared according to Nature in a manner that complements the ABC method
Delivers more – Provides quick insights
Traditional methods of practice require a great deal of learning and practice, but results are limited by the experience of the practitioner and the consultation. The ABC method overrides these limitations and provides every practitioner with the ability to get to the heart of the patient’s matter in minutes.
Every consultation delivers accurate responses that are deep, meaningful, and timely to the patient.
NEW Intuitive patient-centred method of Bach Flower Therapy
The ABC method is a patient-centred, intuitive approach that shifts the emphasis and responsibility for patient management to where it truly belongs, with the patient. By doing it empower and enable patients to make important correctional changes in their lives.
Prior knowledge for the course – online for practitioners
You need sound knowledge of the 38 Bach flowers and archetypal negative soul states (Bachblüten Grundausbildung oder Dipl. Bachblütenberater/in) to work with the ABC method.
In addition, before the course you will receive access to videos explaining the principles of the ABC method after paying the course fee. These are to be completed in self-study BEFORE attending the live workshop.
You will also need a set of Ainsworth’s Bach Flowers.
Why should you attend the ABC workshop?
The workshop is an unique opportunity to work directly with Tony and gain a practical understanding of the ABC method one to one within a group. The experience gained from this workshop is fundamental to using he ABC method in your own practice.
About Tony Pinkus
Tony grows the plants and makes the Bach Flower essences for Ainsworths. He also originated the ABC method and teaches this to students in many countries. Tony graduated as a conventional pharmacist in 1980 and spent three years in orthodox pharmacy before discovering the benefits of homoeopathy. He moved to Ainsworths in 1983 where he spent 6 years learning the ways to manufacture remedies before buying the company in 1989. Since that time, he has specialised in many areas of homeopathy and in 1997 was asked to make Bach Flower remedies. These immediately became popular with practitioners such as Dietmar Kramer and others around the world. In 2006 Ainsworths introduced their first course in BF therapy and in 2018 Tony introduced the ABC method, a gamechanger in treatment. In the same year Tony was made Dean of Pharmacy at the Faculty of Homeopathy where he teaches and conducts research.
!! Sie benötigen für das Seminar das Bachblüten-Set von Ainsworths!
Wenn Sie dies noch nicht haben, bitte bestellen Sie es im BaBlü® Online-Shop!
Da auch der ONLINE-LIVE Kurs interaktiv gestaltet werden kann, gibt`s auch eine BESCHRÄNKTE TeilnehmerInnen-Anzahl! Sichern Sie sich daher rechtzeitig Ihren Platz.
Booking and payment are facilitated online at:
Preis in £ PFUND!!! | 200 € | |
2-Day Course
CPD Certificate of Attendance
- Videos about the ABC method - explaining the principles (in addition for self-study before the course
- Advanced method of practice Bach Flower Therapy
- simultaneous diagnosis and treatment with Bach Flower remedies
- practitioner bias, patient withholding or dissimulation, unstated unconscious issues, selective case analysis, and choosing a group of unrelated remedies without a connected rationale.
- ABC - Action>Because>Cause
- the narrative of their most pressing problem in the moment
- to see how they are being without resistance and take ownership of the most pressing issue they need to learn.
- The ABC method allows patient/client to learn and grow by freeing themselves of a current burden
- The ABC method is designed for use with Ainsworths Bach Flower Remedies Bach Flower remedies are a gift from Nature which uses three active principles. These same principles are active within each of us and both Ainsworths remedies and the ABC method use them as core elements
Sound knowledge of the 38 Bach flowers and archetypal negative soul states / fundierte Kenntnisse der 38 Bach'schen Seelenzustände, Bachblüten Grundausbildung, Dipl. Bachblütenberater/in
Termine & Anmeldung
*) Organisatorisch bedingte Änderungen vorbehalten. Siehe AGB
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